Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Okay, this just confirms that I am getting further and further lost to general giddy silliness.


"When good marmots go bad."

For Moocher Marmots are unique. "We don't care for grass," they squeak. "We prefer things in wrappers often shared by friendly campers."

Into my cooler they did dive and not a wiener would survive. For my tent I did flee. Eat all you want, but please spare me.

Beats Groundhog Day all to hell.

It also calls to mind this soul classic:

I'm catching Adrastos' rockin' pneumonia and YouTube flu.

Other reasons to feel giddy? A black & gold Super Bowl, Mardi Gras, the homestretch of the local elections (GO VOTE on Saturday the 6th if you haven't already early voted) and more reminders to the Times-Pic and nola.com that they, too, are ganking and rehashing... news from local online reporting in their case, though, not campaign promises.

Update, 7:36 AM: As said by this fella on the Tweeter Tube: That's really funny - a story on plagiarism stolen from another source. True dat.

Anudder update, 9:21 AM: Oy, the credit IS in there:
The story does give credit to the Lens. Fifth graph. Page B3 in paper. Go back to your Saints/Carnival/election mania, folks. Nothing to see here.


Cousin Pat said...

cough...cough...vote on SATURDAY the 6th...cough

Leigh C. said...

Whoops! I did it again, baby. Duly noted & changed, Coozan. Thanks.