Friday, March 28, 2008

In honor of two momentous occasions, I am now initiating the first-ever Tom Lehrer Fest on this here blog. The first occasion: my in-laws found their Tom Lehrer recordings, so I was treated to a rendition of the following songs. The first relates to a current read of mine:

The second is all for my mother-in-law, who still teaches the young-uns part-time and is quite familiar with the whole thing Lehrer sings about:

And this final is to jump up and down for joy and genuflect, genuflect, genuflect to Ms Cajunvegan, who, like Ms Charlotte, has passed on an excellent award to li'l ol' moi. Woohoo!

Coming back home tomorrow night, folks. Another reason to woohoo! some more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Ms *Vay-gun* -- she's a hoot!

And *you are* most excellent.