Monday, November 03, 2008

Some thoughts on tomorrow:
-I will have one happy camper in tow (at first, anyhow), since the schools have decided to treat this Election Day as a holiday. Dan thinks it's asinine that this is happening, attributing it to the affinity Louisianans have for voting on Saturdays - and in reveling in that luxury, they are extending that to a weekday. All I know is, the other reason why the little guy will be in ecstasy will be the chance he will get to play at the playground just inside the fences of the girls' school that happens to be where our local polls are located. He feels the primo play equipment is wasted on the girls - so much so that he's asked me about getting into a boys' school, thinking that if the girls' playground is that good, the boys' must be positively heavenly. It doesn't quite work that way, kiddo.
-Apparently, Starbucks will be giving away free tall coffees to those patrons who have just voted. Walk up to the counter, tell 'em you just did your civic duty, and voila. If they refuse to serve you, blame this dude.
-A good many of the blogpocheh would probably like to put the "party hearty" into the polling returns at the WWL studios - alas, we will have to piggyback onto the likes of the liveblogging of those doings by the folks at the Gambit. We are crashing that party in four years, channel 4 staff. You have been warned.
-No matter what happens, we can all feel secure in the knowledge that

there is now an ark in the Ninth Ward in the event of any emergency.

Be well, vote safely and responsibly, and keep track of any irregularities, be they in the voting booth or out of it!


saintseester said...

One of the school districts here is out, because a lot of their schools are polling places. It's safer for the kids and easier on the people who normally have to park at the schools.

Our kids' school is catholic; it is a polling location, we are NOT out of school. Pick up is going to be a nightmare! But vote. go vote.

Leigh C. said...

That's the reason why there aren't open public schools here today...most of the polls are in them. There was some tizzy about a possible PTO meeting tonight, but they are actually held on the 2nd Tuesdays of the month, so parents are relieved on that score.

ALM said...

I drove throught the Lower 9th and saw the ark today--any idea of what it's there for? Is it part of Prospect 1?

Leigh C. said...

Yes, it's part of Prospect 1. There's a bunch of art installations all over the place. Must get pictures up of the ultrakewl map for all the Prospect 1 sites pronto. It is a work of art in itself.