Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There's been a rash of local pols not taking care of their own as of late, it seems...

...Congressional representative Joseph Cao can't seem to get it together to cut the grass and all on his properties in Central City...

...Our "good senator" Mary Landrieu is against a public health insurance option and seems to be for the insurance companies' money. Mary, Mary, where you going to?...

...and former mayoral candidate Sonja "Lady" DeDais finally steps up - after years of repeated complaints - and promises to "oblige you and whomever" in replacing a fence that was knocked down at a blighted property she owns, exposing the entire neighborhood to a pool full of black, stagnant water and a toad or two.

Can we somehow haul our apparently still in charge quarantined mayor to court when he is allowed to return and charge him with unlawful neglect of the blighted property that is all of New Orleans?

Yeah, I know better than to squeeze blood from Walking Ids...


Kevin Allman said...

The mayor's out of quarantine as of this morning, so he can get right on all this stuff!

Leigh C. said...

I just hope he doesn't return with a new mutated strain of a bird flu...