Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let's hear it for whatever-the-heck-this-H1N1-strain-of-flu is called:

Instead of all the little old ladies talking about how "Dottie had a heart condition and she died, but not before giving it to ______", put on the Tom Lehrer. Then we can all celebrate National Brotherhood Week once they have all decided on a name for the damn virus that won't offend anybody here on Earth.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sit down with some jello flu shots 'cause the damn flu was just mentioned on the national news about a bazillion times and drown away the pain I feel from the buckmoth caterpillar sting I got on my heel at the park. Somebody find a cure for the %!*&/?! caterpillar barbs while they're at it.

Update, 11:36 PM - Via email:

Late this evening, the school was notified by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Office of Public Health, that one of the eight suspected cases of Swine Flu in Louisiana is a student at (my son's) School. This is NOT a confirmed case of Swine Flu, and thus there are no recommendations to close the school, but out of an abundance of caution, we are notifying parents of this development.

Pass me a pigfoot and a bottle of beer, y'all. And I don't care about its political or dietary correctness.

Anudder update, 5-3: Well, seems the suspected case of Hone None Flua is an actual case. School’s doors are closing for three days. I now have some Abita Strawberry Ale to go with my jello flu shots as I await the fuss that will be made as to why school hasn’t been closed for two weeks so’s the classrooms can be fully disinfected.

1 comment:

saintseester said...

Don't you just love the phrase "abundance of caution" instead of "silly hysteria?"

Sorry about your heel getting stung. That is painful.