Friday, June 27, 2008

Two big ol' events are coming up:

FYYFF It's Black and Gold Forever
A fund raiser for the Ashley Morris Memorial Foundation
at One-Eyed Jack's on Saturday July 26, 8 PM. $10 cover

and - drum roll please -
Rising Tide III
August 22-24

And now it's time to dance and sing and, uhhh...

...sacrifice the Fire King.


Anonymous said...

You need to get out more. Or find something to do not involving watching with him.

Do not make me start reciting the entire script of Toy Story to you to prove how damaging that can be.

Anonymous said...

Bad JuJu, indeed.

Leigh C. said...

Been there, Mark. Done that. Seen the mov...never mind.

Anonymous said...

The judges would have also accepted the dancing lemurs "Move it!"

Leigh C. said...

Problem is, I've seen that movie too many times. The little guy loves it to death. We've hidden the Madagascar movie from my son, it's that bad. And now a second one is coming out later this summer. I will NEVER hear the end of it.