Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We're all closing in on this Christian and consumerist nation's favorite holiday.  Peace on Earth, goodwill toward one's fellow human being, the spirit of giving, all that jazz.  WWL commemorates it with a series they call 12 for the Road, featuring a bunch of local luminaries mixing holiday libations that won't get you fully lit, and they kicked it off last night with Chief Ronal Serpas mixing a Tropical Sorbet Bellini after having chatted with Bill Capo about his life and his possibly too-fast promotions up the NOPD ladder, earning him at one point the nickname of "Major Minor".

It's insane, really.

This man talks major, but the changes in the here and now have been very minor, especially in the 7th and 9th Wards, where the 5th District police aren't even bothering to supply people with report numbers when they do what they are supposed to do and report the crimes.  Building a top force in five years?  People need that now.

In the meantime, Humid Beings is asking everybody affected by recent events in those areas to publish details over there if anybody knows anything.  And I guess we are reduced to doing stuff like this whenever home invasions happen - or, in the spirit of the hollerdays...

Thanks to @marignymohican on Twitter for the above YouTube.

1 comment:

Book said...

LOL Just Too Much!